Its equally sad and happy to say goodbye to Fikayo, who successfully passed her viva with minor corrections and is now moving to a place called Cambridge...never heard of it either.
Fikayo first contacted me many years ago about a project she wanted to pursue in the Pandhal lab. After a few discussions and iterations of the project proposal, she applied to her sponsor PTDF in Nigeria to work on enzymes, with the exciting idea to make glycosylated versions in E. coli. Her project took a lot of twists and turns, but the basis has always been around the host cell E. coli, and adding sugars to candidate recombinant proteins- a tricky subject that I am sure Fikayo can provide first hand evidence for :-)
Despite moving her family to the UK, becoming a mother (again) and all the COVID mess, she successfully completed her viva with minor corrections on February 23rd this year. Watch this space for her first research paper to be published too!

"It feels fulfilling to have achieved this and be able to say I've contributed to the body of knowledge"
Thanks for the cheesy quote Fikayo and good luck in your new role as a Senior Biologist at Cambridge Consultants Ltd.