Another lab superstar has left us, and this time to return all the way home to Sunny Malaysia. Wan approached me in 2016 looking to pursue a PhD in Food Biotechnology. As this was not exactly in our research portfolio I was not quite sure how it would work- but of course, microalgae are an excellent source of nutrition, whether its the protein content or the fatty acids. Wan successfully applied for a Scholarship to study marine algae and how we might enhance production of the polyunsaturated fatty acid, EPA. This was the first marine algae project in the Pandhal Lab and it was very successful. Wan's first paper has been accepted and we will share it very soon, a very cool study showing enhanced trafficking of EPA in an engineered Nannochloropsis strain. He also tested this strain in the 300 L Phyco-flow, research we aim to publish very soon too. The great story here is that Wan will continue to work on his strain, so we will be looking for opportunities to collaborate in the future:
"It is an awe-inspiring feeling to have my first research paper published, and it is motivation for doing more high impact microalgae research when I return to the University of Malaysia Terengganu as a researcher soon."
Good luck in your new adventure Wan!

All the best Wan! Hope to see you around